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Abstract Submission Formats

Eight major formats are offered for submission:

All abstract submitters, including individual contributors, are encouraged to interact and collaborate with other presenters and participants wherever possible. Participatory, collaborative and non-traditional session formats will be given priority in the selection process.

A symposium consists in a set of integrated oral presentations related to a particular topic. The total time allotted for a symposium will be 90 minutes, consisting of three to five presenters with a moderator to facilitate the discussion (variations will be considered). At least 45 minutes of the symposium should be dedicated to interaction with the audience. We encourage the submission of symposia in which presenters and moderators/discussants represent different areas, such as from policymaking, practice, and research. Diversity of gender, cultural and geographical representation is an asset.

The convener must submit an abstract on the entire symposium, stating the general objective and proposed format of the session, conference’s theme and/or sub-themes addressed, as well as the abstracts and contact details for each presentation in the symposium.

Past experience has shown that due to the challenges of room allocation in the conference facilities, a small proportion of submitted symposium abstracts are selected. The scientific committee reserves the right to ask submitters to merge symposium projects.

A workshop provides an opportunity for conference attendees to participate either in a Skill Training Workshop, or to debate innovative ideas and challenging questions, and thus identify areas for further action and/or develop suggestions as to how these ideas could be implemented in practice. A workshop involves a session coordinator, and possibly several co-organisers/session trainers. The duration of the workshops will be up to 105 minutes, and will take place in the last session of each full conference day.

The convener must submit an outline of the entire workshop, stating objectives, format and learning goals (training workshops), as well as the contact details of all co-organizers/session trainers.

Research oral and poster presentations report on the results of original research projects relevant to health promotion and/or the conference theme and subthemes, or present new methodological developments. Research abstracts must follow appropriate scientific structure: Background/Objective; Methods; Results, Discussion.

Abstracts must clearly indicate the thematic scope, keywords, and preference for presentation format (oral or poster), as well as presenter’s contact details. Abstracts will be clustered according to content. The number of oral presentation sessions is limited. The scientific committee reserves the right to offer the alternative of a poster presentation to those who submitted an abstract for an oral presentation.

Selected abstract submitters will be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation (10-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A) or present a poster (on-paper or projected electronic poster). Poster presenters will have pre-scheduled time slots for presentation and discussion with conference participants.

Innovation in policy and practice oral and poster presentations report on the development and implementation of innovation in policy or practice related to health promotion and/or the conference theme and subthemes. Abstracts must be structured according to: Setting/problem; Intervention; Outcomes; Implications.

Abstracts must clearly indicate the thematic scope, keywords, and preference for presentation format (oral or poster), as well as presenter’s contact details. Abstracts will be clustered according to content. The number of oral presentation sessions is limited. The scientific committee reserves the right to offer the alternative of a poster presentation to those who submitted an abstract for an oral presentation.

Selected abstract submitters will be given the opportunity to give an oral presentation (10-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A) or present a poster (on-paper or projected electronic poster). Poster presenters will have pre-scheduled time slots for presentation and discussions with conference participants.

A series of round table discussions on issues relevant to the four conference sub-themes will be organized, each based on an abstract submitted. Each round table discussion session will be composed of a panel of 6 presenters. Each presenter will have a maximum of 5 minutes (no slides) to report on an experience or practice related to the theme of the round table. In each session one hour will be devoted to exchange between the audience and the panel. Structured abstracts must include: Conference sub-theme addressed; Relevant experience or practice; Implications for health promotion; Implications for sustainable development. Abstracts will be selected to represent a diversity of experience from a variety of regions.

Acknowledging that health promotion practitioners often develop innovative alternative material in support of intervention, this session provides developers an opportunity to share and discuss their material/tools. Material submitted may include: applications for mobile devices, video, games, websites, blogs, software, or any other format suitable for dissemination. Presenters must submit a complete description of the material to be presented, including: the health promoting objectives; a synopsis of the scenario; the intended audience, the duration and intended use.

All selected submitters will have be given a maximum of 15 minutes to present their work in sessions with comparable new technology alternative showings, followed by a discussion with the audience.

Acknowledging that health promotion practitioners often develop innovative alternative material in the form of art to support or even comprise the intervention, this session provides practitioners an opportunity to share and discuss their artwork. Material submitted may include: visual or interpretative art. Presenters must submit a complete description of the material to be presented, including: the health promoting objectives; a description of the artwork; the intended audience, the duration and intended use.

All selected submitters will have be given a maximum of 15 minutes to present their work in sessions with likewise artwork alternative showings, followed by a discussion with the audience.

Authors of original work in Health Promotion (recent textbooks, guidelines) will be offered the possibility to present and discuss their work with conference delegates in a brown bag lunch format. Short oral presentation (15 min) by the creators(s) will be followed by a discussion with participants. A graduate student in health promotion will assist the authors in facilitating the discussion.

  • To promote discussions based on recent original work in health promotion

  • To showcase recent publications in health promotion

  • To foster networking during and after the conference

  • Creation (book or other) should have been published/launched after May 2022 (books submitted for publication or in print but not physically available at the time of the conference are not eligible)

  • It should be in one of the official languages of the conference (English, French, Spanish)

  • It should be in the field of Health Promotion. Publications on the Conference theme and/or one of its sub-themes will be given priority

  • It should come with an understanding that their creator(s) will attend the conference at their own expense and will be willing to participate in an exchange of about 60 minutes with about 30 delegates, facilitated by a graduate student, at lunch time. Several co-creators can be present and it is the responsibility of the applicant to invite and confirm the presence of any co-creators.

Structured abstract must include:

For books: Author(s); Book title; Publisher and year of publication; Book description; Relevance for health promotion or sustainable development

For blogs and other forms of publication: Author(s); Title; Description; URL; Relevance for health promotion or sustainable development

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